Update on project3💼 with documentation📝

Update on project3💼 with documentation📝

kia-clothing ecommerce Thurday, 28 July, 2022

  1. Initialize project using Create React App.
  2. Broken the homepage into smaller components, finished styling the menu-item component.
  3. Update the menu-items to navigate useNavigate react hooks. Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 14-55-03 React App.png
  4. Updating the app with a shop page, collection preview component and collection item component.
  5. Adding header component and links to home, shop page and contact.

Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 14-58-04 React App.png Screenshot 2022-07-28 145952.jpg

  1. Integrated firebase into application, created sign in page with sign in component and sign in with google.
  2. Implemented firebase utils, included ability to store authenticated users into the firestore database.
  3. Finishing sign in handleSubmit method.
  4. Added reducer and implemented userReducer and userActions to header and app component.

Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 14-57-32 React App.png

  1. Updating the app to navigate to home if user is signed in.
  2. Added cartIcon and cartDropdown components to the application, also implemented cart reducer.
  3. Updated shop data with new data, updated cart utils to group items in cart reducer.
  4. Created cart-item component and connected the cart dropdown with cartItems reducer.
  5. Updating the application with reselect, replaced cart selectors with memorized selectors.
  6. Added checkout page, checkout item and updated cart to use selectors from reselect.

Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 15-00-32 React App.png Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 15-01-07 React App.png

  1. Added addItem and removeItem functionality to checkout component.
  2. Moved the directory and shop data into its own reducer, created respective selectors and updated corresponding components with new ux flow for director/shop.

Next step is to integrate stripe payment...